No hay tratamientos alternativos para la parafimosis. Es importante señalar que el único tratamiento recomendado es la reducción manual inmediata, por lo que los tratamientos médicos conservadores están contraindicados (fomentos, antiinflamatorios, cremas con antibióticos y otros) que, lejos de mejorar el problema, contribuyen a las complicaciones, empeoran y empeoran. Esta situación y hacerla cada vez más irreversible.
Para entender de qué se trata la parafimosis, es completamente necesario explicar qué significa la fimosis. Estos dos términos están íntimamente relacionados, pero no son exactamente iguales. Veamos las características particulares de cada uno y sus posibles tratamientos.
La fimosis es una enfermedad que consiste en un estrechamiento del prepucio (parte de la piel del pene que recubre el glande) que causa malestar o incluso dolor y que puede dificultar realmente la retracción completa del glande. Este estrechamiento se debe a la formación de un anillo de tejido fibroso que no permite un deslizamiento suave del prepucio en estado de flacidez o erección. La fimosis dificulta la higiene adecuada e incluso el mantenimiento de relaciones sexuales placenteras debido al dolor. Ocasionalmente, puede causar infecciones en el área genital.
Phimosis is a very frequent condition, especially among young boys. However, in a majority of cases it is naturally corrected and from 3 years of age, it is more usual for the foreskin to be retractable. Even so, 2% of adults have cases of phimosis, so it is not a pathology that only affects young children. In some cases, it does not hinder normal daily life and it is not necessary to undergo any surgical treatment, but that is a decision that the urologist should consider in consultation.
There exist two types of this disease, these are congenital or acquired phimosis. The first is the one presented by the babies at birth, in which case there is a slight laxity in the foreskin that can correct itself as the child grows. On the other hand, the acquired type can occur after an inflammation of the foreskin or the glans or as a result of an infection. Normally, patients with diabetes are more likely to suffer from this type of acquired phimosis.
What Is Paraphimosis?
This pathology supposes a worsening of phimosis since once the glans has been exposed; the skin of the foreskin is strangulated and causes a compression and congestion of the glans. It is more serious and dangerous than phimosis because it could result in a necrosis (tissue death) of the distal part of the penis due to the insufficient blood supply. It is essential to go to a specialist to try to reduce this pathology manually and, if it is not possible, undergo a surgical intervention that frees the preputial compression; this surgery is occasionally of urgency.
What Treatments Are There In Each Case?
First of all, you have to go to a specialist to determine what pathology is in each case and what the most appropriate solution is for you. Any of the aforementioned diseases can be diagnosed with an anatomical and visual examination at the first visit. Once diagnosed and depending on the degree of the pathology, you can opt for a treatment based on.
-Progressive daily stretching of the foreskin.
-Exerting strong pressure may be necessary for a short period. This will help to decrease inflammation. Doctors may wrap the penis in a bandage for 5 to 10 minutes. A bandage with anesthetic medication can be used.
-Certain medications that could help to reduce pain or inflammation.
-An ice pack may be applied to the foreskin and glans for 5 to 10 minutes to reduce inflammation.
-Application of corticosteroid creams.
-Procedures may be necessary to return the foreskin to its position on the glans. Another procedure is useful to decrease severe swelling.
-Surgery could be performed if other treatments do not work. During surgery, the foreskin is placed in the correct position so pressure and swelling are relieved. In cases of phimosis and paraphimosis, a circumcision or the preputioplasty is performed.